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Walking In Varmland - The Lake Region Of Central Sweden
Release Date:
- Resor & Geografi
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
So green, so vast and so empty. That is the feeling you will experience each time you enjoy Swedish nature. So much land and so few people is something most European countries do not have anymore. The majority of Swedish people live in the southern part of the country, which of course has everythin...
Walking In Varmland - The Lake Region Of Central Sweden Bok
So green, so vast and so empty. That is the feeling you will experience each time you enjoy Swedish nature. So much land and so few people is something most European countries do not have anymore. The majority of Swedish people live in the southern part of the country, which of course has everything to do with the fact that the days are longer here. In the north of the country the days are much shorter. So the further north you go, the fewer people you will encounter. Värmland is situated approximately halfway, just north of the Oslo ? Stockholm line and with so few people nature can run its own course. Värmland is a rural province, even for Swedish standards. Countryside, for Stockholm standards. Agricultural too, but in an industry that is less obvious for Western Europe: forestry. Indeed huge areas of land are used for commercial wood production. All this greenery alternates with lots of water. Every valley has a river and behind every hill is a lake. From extremely large to charmingly small, everywhere in the province you will find water. The Värmlanders live their lives outside and their work mostly involves nature in some way and of course they live in rural areas. They work for example as foresters or as hosts or hostesses in the outdoor sports industry. From moose safaris to rafting, from all possible alpine sports to canoeing, it?s all possible here. So much space, so much nature, so outdoor-minded, so therefore lots of possibilities for walking tours? Well, there is a bit of a disappointment here. Yes, there is certainly no lack of space, but the problem is a lack of clearly described walking tours. There are long distance paths, varying in length between 40 to 550 km; but these are all walks from A, via B and C, to Z. As a tourist you can therefore only walk back and fourth. There are shorter walks but these are not easy to find and you have to have good knowledge of the Swedish language in order to understand where exactly you can find them. However, what is perhaps an even greater drawback is the fact that: nowhere is it written down how you should walk, the level of difficulty, what problems you may encounter and how long it will take to reach your destination. Most routes are marked, but that is about it. The rest you will have to find out for yourself. We want to change all this with this guide and so we have searched for the best and most beautiful walks, spread out across the province. Walks vary in length from 5.5 to over 20 km, so that there is something for everyone. The walks are all existing routes, mostly marked but which have not been plotted by us. We did, however, walk, assess and describe them and we have also visualized and mapped them. All you have to do is put on your walking boots and discover the beauty of Värmland.

Write And Wipe Book
Release Date:
- Övrigt
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 7 vardagar
Write And Wipe Book [Bok / Spiral]
Write And Wipe Book Bok
Write And Wipe Book [Bok / Spiral]

Walking In Dalarna - The Heart Of Sweden
Release Date:
- Sport
- Motion & Friluftsliv
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 3 vardagar
There is hardly anywhere more Swedish than Dalarna. A large part of the Swedish culture and folklore, from traditions to customs, which is cherished and (re)lived until this very day, comes from this region. This cultural wealth can easily be combined with the natural beauty that the province has t...
Walking In Dalarna - The Heart Of Sweden Bok
There is hardly anywhere more Swedish than Dalarna. A large part of the Swedish culture and folklore, from traditions to customs, which is cherished and (re)lived until this very day, comes from this region. This cultural wealth can easily be combined with the natural beauty that the province has to offer in abundance: vast forests, beautiful lakes (big and small), abundant wildlife, quiet beaches and plenty of space to enjoy all this beauty. In the north of the province you can find mountain slopes that compose a surprising landscape of space and emptiness above the tree line. 75% of the lower landscape consists of forests, where moose, wolves, bears and lynx live, but also many smaller animals. You can walk around endlessly without seeing any other human being. The landscape in the middle of the province is dominated by Lake Siljan. On its shores, you will find pleasant villages and beautiful beaches. Walking along the waterfront, combined with a visit to Dalarna?s cultural sights, is an excellent way to spend your holiday. The landscape in the southeast of the province was formed by a period in which people started extracting raw materials. The best known is the coppermine in Falun which has been put on the World Heritage List by UNESCO. It is also the region where you will find countless bigger and smaller lakes, connected to each other by rivers and streams. Although this part of the province is the most densely inhabited, nature, peace and quiet and space still predominate. Visit the cradle of Swedish culture here. Hiking is an excellent way to discover what Dalarna has to offer. The 21 walks in this guide will show you the way to the most beautiful spots.

Handspinning Journal - My Own Yarn Library
Release Date:
- Sömnad & Handarbete
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
This book is intended as an index helper for handspinners who want to keep track of their own handspinning outcome. By filling in the blanks, the spinner now has a written form of their own work progress and can easily go back and forth to compare previous projects and thus have a personal developm...
This book is intended as an index helper for handspinners who want to keep track of their own handspinning outcome.<br/>By filling in the blanks, the spinner now has a written form of their own work progress and can easily go back and forth to compare previous projects and thus have a personal development progress journal or simply just being able to go back to yarn projects that has been successful, in case of wanting to spin a similar yarn either for them selves or for others (commercial).<br/>By attaching yarn samples and writing down individual dye recipes it's easy to either go back to a successful dyeing result or try to develope a recipe further.

Training Diary For All Animals
Release Date:
- Vilda djur
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Oversee your training goals and progress. List up everything your animal finds distracting. Divide distractions into levels. Know what your dog finds reinforcing. List your markers and signals. Plan your weekly training. Focus on the small steps of each training session. Factor in Fitness routines....
Training Diary For All Animals Bok
Oversee your training goals and progress.<br/>List up everything your animal finds distracting.<br/>Divide distractions into levels.<br/>Know what your dog finds reinforcing.<br/>List your markers and signals.<br/>Plan your weekly training.<br/>Focus on the small steps of each training session.<br/>Factor in Fitness routines.<br/><br/>This organizer is intended to guide you through your rewarded based training. It can be used for all learners and all activities.

Play And Learn With Minigames And Chess Variants
Release Date:
- Spel
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
The best way to learn and master chess is to actively practice specific game puzzles. This is the basic idea behind the teaching method used by the international master and renowned chess trainer Jesper Bergmark Hall. In Play and Learn Bergmark introduces minigames and chess variants that allow pla...
Play And Learn With Minigames And Chess Variants Bok
<p>The best way to learn and master chess is to actively practice specific game puzzles. This is the basic idea behind the teaching method used by the international master and renowned chess trainer Jesper Bergmark Hall. In <i>Play and Learn</i> Bergmark introduces minigames and chess variants that allow players of all ages to practice different aspects of the game.</p><p>Whether you are a beginner that want to learn how to play in a fun and effective way, or a more experienced player that want to really master and acquire a deeper understanding of the game, <i>Play and Learn</i> is the definitive exercise book for you.</p>

Free-motion Designs For Borders, Setting Triangles Cornerstones
Release Date:
- Övrigt
Beställningsvara Leveranstid: från 14 vardagar
Want inspiration for your free-motion quilting? Now you have the perfect tool! This spiral-bound book is full of designs - JUST designs - all will lie flat on your work surface or your quilt to keep your hands on the quilt and that needle moving! The third in a new series, this visual guide is fill...
Free-motion Designs For Borders, Setting Triangles Cornerstones Bok
<p>Want inspiration for your free-motion quilting? Now you have the perfect tool! This spiral-bound book is full of designs - JUST designs - all will lie flat on your work surface or your quilt to keep your hands on the quilt and that needle moving! The third in a new series, this visual guide is filled with more than 125 continuous-line designs for your borders, setting triangles, and cornerstones - all from your favourite designers - to get you stitching.</p>
Utvalt - Engelska
Play And Learn With Minigames And Chess Variants
The best way to learn and master chess is to actively practice specific game puzzles. This is the basic idea behind the teaching method used by the international master and renowned chess trainer Jes...
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